【專案十一】 Project Prime 質數RPG

Project XI : Prime X RPG Game

注意:本專案規劃時以 英文 為主要語言,因此此頁暫只提供 英文 版本。
Temporarily available in English, since project was planned in English as core language.

【Project Planning】


● Education with in a game teach distinguish prime and composite number.

【Project Concept】

● A billable referral job for past education work experience, from investor client.
● Lack of RPG-like education game that in tranditional sectors.
● Lack of record-tracking game to trace students abillity and learning. (Progression learning) 

【Used skill sectors】

● Unity (2D)
● Photoshop
● Illusrtrator
● Premiere Pro
● C sharp (mainly)
● Unity JavaScript

【Operation System】

● Microsoft Windows 10
● Android Phone
● HTML5 Game (Unity Player)

【Introduction of Gameplay】

- Kill mob and monster via distinguish prime and composite and prime power.
Divided into 3 areas:

* Playable-area (bottom-UI) -> with 4 attack mode

*Map-area (Upper-UI) -> show student progression

* Monster area -> in middle UI
Project 11 Concept

【Inspiration of Project】

Project 11 Inspiration
● Prime and Primal and Ritual
● (Ritural: HK GameJam 2018 Topic)
● "Rituals can be primal. Primality rituals also need something to prime. Prime is the power at all." -- Nelson LAN (2018)

【Design manuscript and How to play】 (Unique Gameplay System)


● It Shows up button for gameplay.
● There are 6 buttons shown; they are "Prime", "Composite", "Character Special Skill", and "Prime Power!", "Normal Attack", "HP regen items".
● These represented the core function and concept. 

Image of "Playable-area"

Image of Playable-area


● Map-area shows up student progression.
● "Map" is designed to assess students who are enough capable to know to distinguish prime or not, by different difficulties. Such as low-time-limit, quick-phrase, and accuracy.

Image of Map-area

Image of Map-area

Monster area

● The monster area shows up "monster" (aka. integer numbers) that students will "kill".
● Each monster has an "HP" bar, state it remained "HP". Students must "attack the monster" (aka. distinguish) whether it is "Prime", "Composite", or "Prime Power!"
● For each ability have different inflict damage calculation formulas.  

Image of Monster area

Image of Monster area

【Detail on Machanism (I)】 (Attack Type System)

● There are 4 different "mathematical" power to attack "monsters", of course, normal attack also include.
● Students should pay attention to the "HP" number, whether it is a "prime" or other types, of each "monster" before using their type of attack.
Normal Attack
Prime Composite
Character Skill / Power Prime Power!

【Detail on attack types】
● Prime : Composite : For those numbers not in prime set, like 4, 6 , 8 , 10, ... , 81 , etc... This power inflicts Character x2.5 + a number of damage.
● Composite : For those numbers not in prime set, like 4, 6 , 8 , 10, ... , 81 , etc... This power inflicts Character x0.6 + a number of damage.
● Character Skill / Power : For those numbers in special number sequences.
● Prime Power! : This power inflicts Character x5 + a number of damage, like 8, 9, 16, 25, etc...
● Normal Attack: Only inflict Character x0.1 + a number of damage. However, the enemies "attack priority" counter will haste by 3.

【Detail on Machanism (II)】 (Monster System)

● HP: The core function of game. Distinguish the number here before timer or HP goes down to zero.
● Turn-counter: Monter will take alternative turn to attack player.
● Droploot: A subsystem for the gameplay.
● ATK and DEF: Player can inflict how many damage to "monster", when successfully distinguish a number.

【Detail on Machanism (III)】 (Map System)

● Map system is a tool to assess students abillity.
● The more advance to futher chapter, the more hardness it is.
● Map Level : Affect monter "HP" number, which work as a scaler for difficulties. When student "kill" certain number of monster, map Level will rise up.
● Map ATK and DEF number : Only affect student own character and weapons, which more progressive when playing.
● Timer: Make the game more challenging, distinguish as more as number before time ran out.


Project and product latest follow-up.


Project discontinue
Reason of discontinue :
● ​ Cost overrun (Cost mainly provide by referrer) ; and
● ​After receiving the referral, and started making prototypes within a week of a weekly routine meeting.
I and the investor invested 3 days in this project,
found the game context design, detail setting, and background research were unsatisfactory,
missing and the project had a large scope creep, that need attention.


The prototype only include:
● Only built a framework of the game (backend script) and fundamental UI element (picture). ​

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【Project XI】
Prime X RPG Game

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