Temporarily available in English, since project was planned in English as core language.
【Project Planning】
● This is a Global Game Jam (HK) (2023) Submittion project's.
● This is my first, rapid-type, concrete board game design and implementation product.
● Testing running boardgame on GitHub Page or Repo manually, like T-RPG element in Project I -- Minecraft Server Hosting.
【Project Concept】
● Inspired by Scratch 3 block-by-block programming. Building from block to a chain of supply, but anything started from roots.
● There is a lack of educational material to teach this concept in economics and humanity.
【Used skill sectors】
● Photoshop
● Illusrtrator
● GitHub (Version Control)
● Spreadsheet
【Operation System】
● N/A (for boardgame)
● GitHub for online host
【Introduction of Gameplay】
The board game is about the supply/production chain in daily life.
Players should craft items from the “ROOTS” of each part of the material, then trace back to the final product that the game set up in the initial round.
Another mode is to find out the “ROOTS” of the product.
Players are recommended to familiarize some crafting recipes in daily life before diving into this game.
And, of course, appreciating, and treasuring the crucial, diligent, humble workers that support the “ROOTS”
and its interconnected supply chain and yield products for further progress or your use.
This board game also can be used as educational material for P4-6, and F3 students who need to know more about
fundamental knowledge about “production” and “resource origin” (the “ROOTS” of the production chain) in economic education.
This mini-board game is originally implemented on my own Minecraft server in 2015, but broad game conversion is ongoing,
but GGJ2023 is a great opportunity to start the initial spark of this major side-off project. Thus, I used GitHub for project version control and continuous update.
Also, this project is open to everyone, so everyone can add, and modify the “source file”.
And, why unlimited players?
It is because I want to host this project on Github later when it is ready if I have spare time.
Have you heard about using GitHub to host board games yet?
【Inspiration of Project】
● (ROOTS: Global Game Jam 2022 Topic)
"We need so many consumer products in daily life, and sitting above the tree; we do not even notice where the products root from, or see how deep below they are." -- Nelson LAN (2023)
【Card Design】
● Shape likes block-by-block programming games and software.
● Each card has its items/manufacturer name, scoring, lore, and usage.
● Keep a simple design.
【Unique Gameplay System】
Selling points
● Self-expandable card deck allows you can design new items/factory cards, so customizable playability may increase.
● Low rule, high playability. You are the rule creator!
Self-expandable card decks
Game Unique
● Bi-way progression: The player can play the card to aim for the final customer product from root items. Or harder, to find out all the root items that given a customer product.
● Chain-React: Build chain items by items, and discover its supply chain.
● Scoring: Over 6 methods to score around the game. Methods are far more because of the game's scalability.
Point gathering methods
● Again, you are the rule creator guild you to end-game; you are receiving a rule book, not to cult a rule book.
● You are freely to modify the meta, data, lore in cards, customizable card when change is needed.
Editable meta, data
【Output Product / Follow-up】
Project and product latest follow-up.
Distributions and output product :
● Released on Global Game Jam 2023 website project's page
● Online Project hosted on project's GitHub page
● Self-DIY card template released on project's GitHub page