專案四、六 : Cities Skyline 三維建築建模

Project IV, VI : Cities Skyline - 3D Modelling

【本作目的/目標】 (Aim / Perspective)

● 本作制作的目的是想令到作品集更多元化,及可以用於裝備未來,在職涯上鋪路。
● 當然制作的初心除為了裝備自己、更是好讓自己持續學習。
● 這也是一個有力證據,證明自己能勝任3D遊戲美術員一職,大可放心錄用。

【作品 總覽文案】 (Documentation)

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【使用技能 / 軟件】(Used skill sectors)

● SketchUp
● Autodesk 3Ds Max
● Adobe Photoshop
數值截至 2019 年 3 月
4.9 K+
Steam Workshop Steam Workshop下載次數
Steam Workshop Visitors
個 已完成作品
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【專案四】 Minecraft Nelson 合辨伺服器 —— 伺服主官邸

專案四 概念圖 Project Concept Art

專案四 概念圖 Project IV Concept Art


● 這是一座由伺服主(即作者,Nelson本人),在私人Minecraft伺服器內的建築物。 
● 如果在Cities Skyline這遊戲中,用SketchUp製作一個相同建築的模組又如何呢?
● 沒錯,全個過程我用了約5小時做了出來。


● 這建築原址是「 沙粒城市政廳」,現以改劃「官邸 」之用。 
● 若以它為中心作起始,750格範圍內就歸屬於「 沙粒城(城址)的節點」。
● 是整個伺服世界中的重要地標之一。


● 它並不再以作為「 2x2住宅」,而改以一個「 等級三的 『 專屬/獨有建築』」的身份繼續服務市民。
● 它會提供750格的「 娛樂半徑」,所以非常適合用作旅遊及消遣康體(公園)類用途。
● 每週的營運成本也非常低,只需$9.6。是吸引市民及遊客的建築之一。
● 但是,它也會帶來一些交通上的小問題,因為很多人會到這裡。然而,這建築只可以建一座,不像公園一樣可以無限放置。
● 此建築有效地帶動地區發展,所以放置前三思。建議置於城市公園附近。

【Create intention】

● This is a house constructed by the server hoster (as know as the creator of this building), that in a private Minecraft server.  
● How about re-creating in Cities: Skyline by using SketchUp modeling method? Yep.
● Spent 5 hours to make this。

【Building History】

● This house is the city hall of Sands' City in the old day.  
● It means 750 blocks around this house is affiliated to the node of Sands' City.

【Building's position】

● Thus, it will not serve as a 2x2 residential block, but a 2X2 style, level 3 uni building instead.
● It has a 750 units radius of entertainment provided and is really suitable for tourism, or recreation.
● The upkeep of this also cheap only $9.6 / per week , a great way to attract tourism and resident.
● However, it can also bring some minor traffic problem because of a bunch of people goes there.
● Also, it only can build only one of this house instead of the park which can build unlimited.
● So be careful when you pop this building down. Advise popping this in central park which player built, to booth up tourist.





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【專案六】 垃圾處理建築創作

Project Concept Art

專案六 概念圖 Project VI Concept Art


● 香港的垃圾箱密度冠絕亞洲,每過一個街口也有一個。 
● 方型的開口給人給人掉垃圾進去,但總有人喜歡/"被迫地"把垃圾棄置於旁邊。留手尾給清潔工人。久之不理,垃圾帶來了少量土地污染的問題。
● 清理垃圾箱的速度,總不夠市民填滿速度的快。但這是一個遊戲內,較為平宜的垃圾處理方法。這也可以用作發電,及生產少量原材料。

【靈感 及 本建築定位及用途】

● 處理?沒看到垃圾桶頂的煙囪(灰缸)吧。
● 這建築的靈感就是一個頂頭灰缸著火的垃圾桶。既然遊戲內有垃圾焚化爐,倒不如將計就計將垃圾桶搖身一變,變做合垃圾桶和焚化爐一體的建築。

【Create intention】

● The density of garbage bin in Hong Kong, is the most in Asia. A huge number of orange public bins can find on the street and anywhere. 
● The square-like hole let the people throw trash into the bin. There are some people like / get used to throwing their trash outside or next to the bin, however.
● Causing inconvenience to the cleaner. The trash also causing land pollution nearby if they are not processed, for a while.

● Although, the garbage processing / collecting speed , are not as fast as citizens garbage producing speed.  
● It was a way to deal with your cities garbage processing problem, with a less cost (money and upkeep). It also produces a small amount of electricity and raw material for a low cost.

【Building's position】

● Processing? Did you notice that there's some smoke coming from the top?
● The original idea is a garbage can, with an ashtray on the top, but it's on fire.
● The game already has an incinerator, why not combine two structure into one.
● Not only to deal with garbage problem instead of using the landfill, but also processing garbage in the incinerator, and get extra electricity?

遊戲內 實際圖片 1


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